Monday, June 18, 2007

Vote or Die... for your favorite local independent bookseller

While I'd planned to kick off an '07 voter pledge drive with another item, and the odds of anyone who doesn't already read Post seeing this are slim, here goes:

I'm running a wholly unscientific reader poll that seeks to highlight local independent booksellers. A full explanation appears in a post below the polling area. I'm posting this link again here, because the poll's been viewed 180 times to date, and only 4 votes have been logged. Probably because the poll is embedded in the forums and users need to log in to participate. While this procedure is more secure than the Cap Newspapers "Answer Book" voting, the instant gratification factor is a bit lacking.

I'm not going to beg people to register, but if you already have a forum username/password, please go log-in and...

  • Vote here
  • If a selection is missing, just post a comment in the same thread.
How can someone who slags off newspapers express affection for books? Isn't that an inconsistency on the non-interactive, dead-tree n' ink, issue? Well, I never learned how to properly read newspapers on public transit, and they're messy in bed. Books, not so much.

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