Anatomy of a rewrite: scribbling over the Wisconsin State Journal's Delavan mass murder mashup
The Capital Times' and State Journal's coverage of the mass murder in Delavan, WI has been pwned by that of the Janesville Gazette and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel--not to mention the hometown paper's. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but from Sunday on, there were so many flavors of AP wire copy on Which to choose?
The previous link, with video ported from an ABC affliate in Milwaukee? The Cap Times' straight-up, byline-free (but with video!) AP piece? Or perhaps the State Journal's potpourri production? The WSJ included chunks of the TCT's AP copy, but acknowledged that...
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporters Greg J. Borowski and John Diedrich, Associated Press reporters Scott Bauer and Mark Carlson and Chicago Tribune reporter Lisa Black contributed to this story.That's a lot of cut-and-paste action! A better read than this SEO mockery, though. So it seems that AP copy, the Tribune's "6 shot to death in Wisconsin" and the Journal Sentinel's "6 killed in Delavan home" have been spliced into the Frankenstein of tragic reportage below.
Key to scribblings by our guest critic:
Trib=Chicago Tribune, JS=Journal Sentinel, AP=Associated Press
Breakdown initially conducted with print-out of WSJ piece, by matching direct "quotes" (attributed to actual people) with their original articles. Give it a whirl, he probably missed something.
[click to enlarge]
[Those last JS, and "JS phrasing resequenced" references may be inaccurate. They don't appear exclusive to JS, as they also appear in this unedited AP story pumped into the WSJ forums. Blame Cy.]
It's almost as if there was a WSJ reporter on the scene!
This takes a lot of work for the editor to do, and provides a more comprehensive report than any single source can provide. What's the problem?
There's no "problem." We mostly thought it would be fun to reverse engineer the piece.
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