Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Please buy this instead

On the diplomatic tip:
We don't think blowing up a thread that would eventually fall quietly off the front page of TDP was the wisest move. Seemed like it already had, by the time we fell asleep this early AM. But maybe we're just secretive like that: paranoid that those on whom we eavesdrop will eventually overhear us say something incriminating.

On the acquisitive tip:
For the acquisitive-minded media exec's consideration, here are some old Badger Herald revenue, via '04 and '06 forms 990, and the lovely folks at guidestar. A free account won't get you more than a year or two back, FYI. Not that we paid for additional access.

More to follow (maybe '06 and Daily Cardinal figures) w/ allowances for things like depreciation, "net profit and losses" at a non-profit.

While the Herald's commerce-minded staff might be more receptive to an imaginary buyout, we actually think the Cardinal's a better target. Will elaborate within the fiscal year.

Badger Herald '03 Revenue

  • Advertising: $636,460
  • Subscriptions: 572
  • other investment income: 3919
  • refunds: 4188
  • soda machine: 1034
  • donations: -100
  • t-shirt sales: 152
  • other: 60
'03 subtotal (may be other line items we are too lazy to look up at the moment):
  • $646,285

Herald '05 Revenue
  • Advertising: $704,481
  • Subscriptions: $1041
  • interest on savings and temporary cash investments: $2930
  • other investment income: $4863
  • t-shirt sales: $705
  • soda machine: $1229
  • gain or (loss) on disposal: (1092)
  • other: $883

'05 subtotal:
  • $715,040

As you can see, this publication operates on an entirely different paradigm from the "professional" dailies: all ads--and while those are still mostly inky, soda generates more revenue than subscriptions. It's almost like the internet!


Anonymous said...

Fair enough, Franc. But we think there were some pretty important points brought up in that particular thread -- even though those points weren't the main ones.

Anonymous said...

Ooops. Was actually supposed to be my byline. There were some technical issues in the publishing process, so I kicked it over to Franc.

Anyway, I've just been looking for an excuse to trot out those 990 pdfs, figured revisiting them briefly might lead me to assemble the proper takeover proposal.